Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Does Proactive work?

Alot of people say it work but when they stop using it proactive givesyou more zits/pimples.

Is this true? People say it goes worst and worst so you have to keep buying
Does Proactive work?
It didn%26#039;t work for me at all...
Does Proactive work?
yes it works.
Reply:ys it worked for me
Reply:nope some dermatologist wrote a book and said that it is a horrible. its only good for certain types of skin, and since it costs so much (like 60, 70 bucks for 2 months) i wouldn%26#039;t even waste my time on that.
Reply:It works for me. You have to adjust to your own skin, I only use the system once a day to wash/tone and I only use the lotion once a week or so, my skin is not bad enough to need it all the time.
Reply:You can do just as well with Neutrogena for a lot less money.
Reply:If you have a huge pair of eyes than it willa actually work.

Im serious.
Reply:it works but i found my skin to get very dry after using it for a period of time.

pimples do get worse before they get better.
Reply:For the first 4 months, I loved proactive. My skin was SOOOO clear....then I broke out crazy- and I mean CRAZY. It was so bad....

My dermatologist told me that the problem with it is that it does work- at first. It works by hiding all the %26#039;gunk%26#039; that gives you zits. That %26#039;gunk%26#039; builds up.

After a while (in my case, a wonderful but short lived 4 months)- it explodes. So, Try at your own risk....

I do have a tip for you tho!

Try switching skin products every few months. Your skin gets used to the product after a while, and may not work as well. If you change it up, it %26#039;keeps your skin guessing%26#039;. And that may help keep your skin clear!!!

I really hope that helps! break outs are such a pain :-(
Reply:it depends on your skin type. it didnt work for me. it dried my skin out really bad.
Reply:I found it to be highly over-rated, and not worth the amount of money it costs. I use Skinlogics by BeautiControl - that%26#039;s the only thing I%26#039;ve found that can tame my oily skin. Good luck!

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